Saturday, January 30, 2010

Activity Request(s): Thursday

Simply use your media letter(s) that you created on Monday and roll . . .


Use link below, Select Diane Rheme in the “To” box

Use the link below, select “Contact a Show” in the “I want to” box and then in the show box, select “Morning Edition” . . .

WTOP Radio Washington

Use link below, go to bottom o page, for “To” select “Send a News Tip” fill in the blanks

Startribune, MN

Democracy Now

Drudge Report

Activity Request(s): Wednesday

Simply use your media letter(s) that you created on Monday and roll . . .

CNN Money

Use link below, select "News Alert Problem or a Question"

CNN, CNN Website, etc.

Politics Daily

Daily Finance (1000 characters max)


Tavis Smiley

Washington Journal – Radio Call In.

Daily Morning News, Dallas TX

Activity Request(s): Tuesday

Simply use your media letter(s) that you created on Monday and roll . . .

CBS News: Use the following link and hit: CBS Evening News w/Katie Couric, CBS Morning News and The Early Show;ad-googleAdSense

Use the following link and hit: CBS Evening News

ABC News

The Smirking Chimp

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Baltimore Sun

Let's Get Started (a.k.a. Activity Request(s): Monday)

[Note: As always any sample messages, letters, etc. that we provide are just that, “samples.” The samples are just what we’re sending out from this end and you are strongly encouraged to use your own judgment, voice and perspectives. Our prose, tone and approach can always be improved upon and quite frankly a good mix of perspectives is better than following our samples verbatim. We’re not the most reverent and that may or may not be good (we’re just expressing one opinion among almost a 1000 different member opinions). We don’t do messaging for the group (nor do we aspire to) or ever speak for the group, but instead merely facilitate our members’ ability to speak at once for more power and volume. If you’re a “professional communicator” or would like to help with recruiting, research, administration, etc. shoot us a note and we’ll be happy to get you involved. There is no lack of work to be done.]

1) Create your own version of a short and a long media pitch to use for online and e-mail outlets. [See sample below] Some online forms limit the number of words or characters and we on this end find out those limitations, if any, the same time you do.
2) Remember to save whatever you write somewhere on your computer so you don’t have to recreate the wheel over and over.
3) Simply make media pitching a mindless simple for you repetitive exercise that you can do almost with your eyes closed.

While what you say is important, at the end of the day it’s a numbers game. Whatever group can muster the numbers and relentless effort to compel the media to cover their story wins. It’s just that simple! If you burn out and give up - we lose . . . don’t let that happen! Just make this ongoing media pitching effort a paste in your message, fill in the blanks (or e-mail address) and send exercise that you do over and over and over. You should be able to do it while chatting on the phone, waiting for something to download, etc. It’s more about willpower and perseverance than brainpower . . . and every brain needs a break ;-)

As a disclaimer: We on this end may or may not agree with a media outlet’s “orientation” and do NOT endorse any publication we pitch. We’re simply seeking media coverage anywhere we can get it and are receptive to your ideas, so please pass them along.


Media Outlets for Monday as follows:


Chicago Tribune

USA Today

Roll Call

[Sample Media Pitch Communication – Long Version] When you need something shorter, simply cut it down and edit to fit . . .

As a loyal member of your audience, it’s clear that you cover the big political picture such as the outrageous bonuses of $150 billion being paid out on Wall Street. You also do a great job of reporting the dismal numbers resulting directly from Wall Street’s greed, such as 7.2 million lost jobs and 15.3 million Americans currently unemployed.

Why is it then that you’ve given zero attention and coverage whatsoever to the human suffering behind those numbers via workplace discrimination based upon Americans’ personal credit reports? By your silence you’re condoning this horrible workplace discrimination of your fellow Americans?

HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act that would alleviate this egregious form of discrimination has sat stalled in the House Financial Services Committee since July. It’s obviously being stalled by corporate PACs and their lobbyists, but journalists by oath are supposed to be above being muzzled. Why then can’t we depend on you to follow the corporate money trail and report the truth behind the stalling tactics in Congress?

The following links detail the political contributions from just two of the big three credit bureaus alone (not to mention the millions from corporations in general). Apparently in Washington money talks (or muzzles) . . . please help to expose the “corruption” of American democracy.


Trans Union:

What value do you deliver in reporting the horrible numbers without helping to alleviate the suffering by reporting on a solution? By simply allowing highly qualified Americans to work, instead of locking them out of the workforce via unfair discrimination, you’ll take millions off the current rolls of the unemployed overnight. That saves the taxpayers money, reduces the ever burgeoning Federal deficit and corrects an absolutely horrible WRONG! With this common sense solution as a backdrop, why is HR3149 not part of the so called “jobs bill” now being debated in the Senate (that will cost billions more in tax dollars)? Why is it that when a jobs solution is absolutely FREE to the taxpayer it gets no coverage? Is it only a good “jobs idea” when Congress can use a bill to enrich more of their friends somehow at taxpayer expense?

In case you missed the message sent during the recent MA Senate election - it’s jobs and the economy that “the people” care about first and foremost. The anger at Wall Street is about their greed destroying the economy and the personal credit reports of millions of Americans - while they collect billions of dollars in bonuses. It’s WRONG!

I’m confident that since 90 percent of your audience is just like me, they demand that you expose the money trail behind the stalling of HR3149. They also demand that you provide coverage of HR3149 so the people can decide on passage instead of lobbyists and corporate PACs. That’s called “democracy by the people.” Passage of HR3149 is paramount to our nation’s economic recovery and demands your attention. Please answer to the demands of your audience by helping to expose the money trail and those responsible for the stalling of HR3149. Your fellow Americans need YOUR help!

[End Sample Letter for Media Outlets listed above]

Remember to Work All Your Media Outlets
Don’t forget to work your local media outlets in your geographic area such as newspapers, blogs, TV stations, etc. and remember to post comments on web boards and articles along with our FB group URL at (or simply type hr3149 into FB search) and our e-mail address Every effort you make counts to grow our voice via our group and to expose HR3149 to the American public. Once they know about HR319 “the people” will get it passed.

A Press Release to Support YOUR Efforts

To assist with breaking through the media wall, we’ve created a press release that we will issue a day or so before you follow-up with your “cover our story” communications. Although the press release is intentionally bold and provocative, very few press releases ever get picked up by the media. Just view it as an experimental tool that if nothing else drives home our point succinctly and we believe will also grow our group numbers via getting our FB URL more exposure. Again, getting media coverage is NOT easy! It is very competitive and there are tons of “causes” out there we’re competing with. If you wish to have a copy of the press release via e-mail to include with your e-mailed media communications, simply send an e-mail to and type the words “PRESS RELEASE” in the subject line and we’ll attach a copy and send it back to you. If you wish to simply see what’s going out ahead of your efforts, click on the link below.

Media, Media, Media!!!

Passage of HR3149 is not a pie in the sky unachievable pipe dream. It is achievable and within our grasp but we only have a narrow window of time in which to succeed. That means that if we want passage, we’re going to have to work for it. The next few weeks or more (subject to change) we’re going to use our collective force to push hard for some coverage from the media. HR3149 is just NOT getting coverage beyond some small niche publications and that MUST change. It can be extremely difficult to get media attention and we have the added handicap of corporations simply not wanting this story to get out. (When it does get out, they know the public will push it through in a NY minute.) Why media coverage is difficult can be summed up with the answer to one question, 'Who owns the media?' Answer: corporations. Nonetheless, we will break through but only with a concerted, never say die attitude that is absolutely relentless. Reporters want to cover our story, but they are being held back by the ultimate form of “blackmail” . . . a regular paycheck. While that may make you question the concept of a “free press,” we can’t change reality, but instead must simply realize that we have a formidable obstacle that we must overcome via relentless tenacity.

[TALK RADIO: Input from our members needed on good talk radio outlets to pitch. If you’re a talk radio aficionado or just a fan please give us some input on who and where to pitch our story. We’re looking primarily for a national audience but may also consider major metropolitan markets as well. Please share . . . ]

Press Release


Congress to Post Their Personal Credit Reports Online

February 1, 2010, WASHINGTON, DC: All members of Congress are now in receipt of an overwhelming constituent demand to immediately post their personal credit reports on their websites. The outreach, facilitated by the HR3149 Political Action Group (PAG), demands that each member of Congress keep their personal credit report posted until HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act is passed. When passed, the legislation, purposely being stalled in the House of Representatives since July, will make it illegal for employers to utilize an American’s personal credit report for either hiring or firing.

Neither the HR3149 PAG nor 90 percent of Americans believe that access to personal credit reports provides any worthwhile information whatsoever in regard to someone’s employment qualifications. Congress on the other hand seems to disagree as evidenced by their continued stalling of HR3149 passage. Therefore, 90 percent of the American public demands that if Congress continues stalling the legislation then they must post their personal credit reports online – on the basis that Congress works for us, the taxpayer, and as Americans we’re all equal.

A personal credit report was originally created ONLY as criteria to evaluate financial lending risks. Then somehow, Equifax®, Trans Union® and Experian® (the big three credit bureaus) discovered that could stomp upon the personal privacy of every American by making a buck selling the information to employers. The practice was always WRONG, but now due to Wall Street’s greed with the help of Congress – millions and millions of Americans have lost their jobs and had their credit either damaged or destroyed. Because of the widespread ever growing use of credit reports by employers to make hiring and firing decisions – millions of Americans are now barred from changing jobs or are caught in a horrible catch 22 scenario of bad credit = no job or no job = bad credit.

This comes at a time when Wall Street, in just the top six banks alone, is being rewarded with more than $150 B in bonuses as payoff for their greed. It was Congress that presided over the economic meltdown caused by Wall Street. Then it was Congress that lent Wall Street our tax money to save their neck – while “we the people” have been pummeled and rewarded with lost jobs and ruined credit? Why then, is a FREE to the taxpayer jobs enablement solution such as HR3149 not part of the current “jobs bill” discussion the Senate? Why does the legislation continue to be stalled? As long as it remains stalled, the HR3149 PAG and 90 percent of the American people demand that the personal credit reports of Congress be posted online immediately.

ABOUT: The HR3149 Political Action Group is a grassroots team of citizen political activists from all 50 states strictly focused on bringing about passage of HR3149 NOW. We receive no funding whatsoever from any individual or political party and are 100% non-partisan.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Activity Request: Thursday or Friday

Letter to the President, follow-up on his State of the Union Speech

[Note: As always any sample messages, letters, etc. that we provide are just that, “samples.” The samples are just what we’re sending out from this end and you are strongly encouraged to use your own judgment, voice and perspectives. Our prose, tone and approach can always be improved upon and quite frankly a good mix of perspectives is better than following our samples verbatim. We’re not the most reverent and that may or may not be good (we’re just expressing one opinion among almost a 1000 different member opinions). We don’t do messaging for the group (nor do we aspire to) or ever speak for the group, but instead merely facilitate our members’ ability to speak at once for more power and volume. If you’re a “professional communicator” or would like to help with recruiting, research, administration, etc. shoot us a note and we’ll be happy to get you involved. There is no lack of work to be done.]

No one should be surprised that HR3149 was not mentioned during the President’s State of the Union speech, but what should be surprising is that to date HR3149 is NOT being mentioned as part of the “jobs bill” being discussed in the Senate. That’s the main point we attempted to get across in our sample letter below. We’re confident that your perspectives may differ and your communication skills will be more persuasive . . .

Use White House link below (the link below was dead the first time we tried it, so if it is down, simply try again later) copy sample letter below, open link, paste in letter, edit to suit you, fill in the blanks and send. The form within the link allows for only 2500 characters MAX, we edited the sample letter below and tested it . . . it fits, so keep the length or your letter close to the sample provided.


Dear Mr. President:

I watched your State of the Union address Wednesday evening with great anticipation. While your speech covered a lot of territory, I was most interested in your words surrounding the economy and jobs. While there are a myriad of pressing needs and issues facing our great nation, I’m sure you agree that none outweigh job creation and the economy.

While the current stimulus plan, as well as the new “jobs bill” you referenced, may prove over time to pay huge dividends for the American people – we need your help now. Because the vast majority of employers unfairly utilize a citizen’s personal credit report as hiring and firing criteria, millions and millions of citizens are now stuck in the job they have and if they are unemployed . . . they are locked out of the workforce all together in what constitutes a death sentence with no chance of escape. Millions of Americans are now locked into a catch 22 of bad credit = no job and no job = bad credit which equates to a financial death spiral with no means whatsoever to pull back on the stick before a crash and burn.

Nevertheless, HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act (in the House since July) that would make this form of discrimination illegal is continuing to be stalled by corporate lobbyists and PACs. How could your State of the Union address mostly centered on job creation and discussion of a “jobs bill” not include immediate passage of HR3149? While on average 6 applicants apply for the rare job opening that does exist – those with damaged or destroyed personal credit reports never have a chance of even competing. How can that be fair?

In closing, I respectfully beseech you to follow through on delivering that “change we can believe in” by stopping the stalling games being played in Congress with passage of HR3149. Please see to it that the people are no longer made to pay for the sins of Wall Street by helping to get this critical legislation to your desk for signature.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Activity Requests: Monday

Media Outreach

[Note: As always any sample messages, letters, etc. that we provide are just that, “samples.” The samples are just what we’re sending out from this end and you are strongly encouraged to use your own judgment, voice and perspectives. Our prose, tone and approach can always be improved upon and quite frankly a good mix of perspectives is better than following our samples verbatim. We’re not the most reverent and that may or may not be good (we’re just expressing one opinion among almost a 1000 different member opinions). We don’t do messaging for the group (nor do we aspire to) or ever speak for the group, but instead merely facilitate our members’ ability to speak at once for more power and volume. If you’re a “professional communicator” or would like to help with recruiting, research, administration, etc. shoot us a note and we’ll be happy to get you involved. There is no lack of work to be done.]


Editor-n-chief, go to box at bottom of page (2,000 characters max) make copy of the 2000 characters you write, hit send.

Go to page link below and repeat the exercise above by clicking on 10 or so contact points under the Editorial heading and pasting the 2000 characters you have copied.

[Sample Politico Message for links above]

Why is it that Politico is failing to report and speak for almost 90 percent of your readership that support passage of HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act? In short, the legislation that is already law in Hawaii, would make it illegal for an employer to use an American’s personal credit report are criteria for hiring and firing. Wall Street greed ruined the economy along with millions of Americans’ personal credit reports, yet they are rewarded with billions of dollars in bonuses - while “the people” pay for their greed by being locked out of the workforce. That’s just un-American, workplace discrimination and a gross invasion of the peoples' privacy.

HR3149 is the best kept secret in Washington and virtually no one in America even knows the legislation exists because of the corporate PACs and lobbyists are in the pockets of Congress and apparently muzzling our so called “free press.” Please investigate the money trail and shine the light on HR3149 and who’s behind the stalling tactics.

The people need to know the legislation exists so they can decide and make their voices heard.

[End Sample Politico Message for links above]


[See Sample Letter Below (after following links) for the Remainder of Media Outlets below]

Click on Politico link below and select “Story Tips”



[Sample Letter for Media Outlets Above]

As a regular reader, it’s clear that you cover the big political picture such as the outrageous bonuses of $150 billion being paid out on Wall Street. You also do a great job of reporting the dismal numbers resulting directly from Wall Street’s greed, such as 7.2 million lost jobs and 15.3 million Americans currently unemployed.

Why is it then that you’ve given zero attention and coverage whatsoever to the human suffering behind those numbers via workplace discrimination based upon Americans’ personal credit reports? By your silence you’re condoning this horrible workplace discrimination of your fellow Americans?

HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act that would alleviate this egregious form of discrimination has sat stalled in the House Financial Services Committee since July. It’s obviously being stalled by corporate PACs and their lobbyists, but journalists by oath are supposed to be above being muzzled. Why then can’t we depend on you to follow the corporate money trail and report the truth behind the stalling tactics in Congress?

What value do you deliver in reporting the horrible numbers without helping to alleviate the suffering by reporting on a solution? By simply allowing highly qualified Americans to work, instead of locking them out of the workforce via unfair discrimination, you’ll take millions off the current rolls of the unemployed overnight. That saves the taxpayers money, reduces the ever burgeoning Federal deficit and corrects an absolutely horrible WRONG! With this common sense solution as a backdrop, why is HR3149 not part of the so called “jobs bill” now being debated in the Senate (that will cost billions more in tax dollars)? Why is it that when a jobs solution is absolutely FREE to the taxpayer it gets no coverage? Is it only a good “jobs idea” when Congress can use a bill to enrich more of their friends somehow at taxpayer expense?

In case you missed the message sent during the recent MA Senate election - it’s jobs and the economy that “the people” care about first and foremost. The anger at Wall Street is about their greed destroying the economy and the personal credit reports of millions of Americans while they collect billions of dollars in bonuses. It’s WRONG!

I’m confident that since 90 percent of your readers are just like me, they demand that you expose the money trail behind the stalling of HR3149. Passage of HR3149 is paramount to our nation’s economic recovery and demands your attention. Please answer to the demands of your readership by helping to expose the money trail and those responsible for the stalling of HR3149.

[End Sample Letter for Media Outlets listed above]

Remember to Work All Your Media Outlets
Don’t forget to work your local media outlets in your geographic area such as newspapers, blogs, TV stations, etc. and remember to post comments on web boards and articles along with our FB group URL at (or simply type hr3149 into FB search) and our e-mail address Every effort you make counts to grow our voice via our group and to expose HR3149 to the American public. Once they know about HR319 “the people” will get it passed.

Activity Requests: Tuesday

YOUR House and Senate Members – Where do they stand?

[Note: As always any sample messages, letters, etc. that we provide are just that, “samples.” The samples are just what we’re sending out from this end and you are strongly encouraged to use your own judgment, voice and perspectives. Our prose, tone and approach can always be improved upon and quite frankly a good mix of perspectives is better than following our samples verbatim. We’re not the most reverent and that may or may not be good (we’re just expressing one opinion among almost a 1000 different member opinions). We don’t do messaging for the group (nor do we aspire to) or ever speak for the group, but instead merely facilitate our members’ ability to speak at once for more power and volume. If you’re a “professional communicator” or would like to help with recruiting, research, administration, etc. shoot us a note and we’ll be happy to get you involved. There is no lack of work to be done.]

While, as noted above, we never try and dictate or even influence what you say or how you say it, Question #! in the sample letter below is explicitly written for zero wiggle room whatsoever. Every member of Congress already knows what this legislation is about and any “political speak” or wiggling we’ll simply take as a “No,” so don’t water your letter down with any wiggle room whatsoever! Whatever responses you receive in return to Question #1 in the sample letter below, we need to know by you providing feedback with each Representative's and Senator's name and with either a “Yes” or a “No.” If they send you a wiggle “political speak” reply then simply mark them down as a “No.” This is where we begin to turn up the heat and count them as either friend or foe.

1) Find Your 9 Digit Zip Code
Before you begin, you’ll need your full 9 digit zip code (because that makes it more difficult and less likely you’ll write). Simply go to the link below and plug in your address and it will provide your full 9 digit zip. Save it for future reference, you’ll need it again.

2) Contact YOUR member(s) the House of Representatives

Simply click on the link above and follow the steps, select your state, enter your full 9 digit zip code, click “contact my representative,” answer the stupid security question, plug in your personal information, paste in the sample message you will find below (edit/change to fit you) and hit “send message.”

3) Contact YOUR Senator(s)

Simply click on the link above, choose your state, choose your senator(s), go to their website(s) and navigate their intentionally complicated maze looking for “contact info.” then follow their steps, copy and paste in the sample message below (edit/change to fit you), hit “send.”

Via the following link, check to see if your member of Congress is the Sponsor or one of only 50 current Cosponsors, if they are, remove Questions #1 and #2 from the sample letter below and revise the letter to be a motivation tool.

[Sample Letter to Your Members of the House and Senate]

Dear Honorable [fill in the blank]

As a regular voter and your loyal constituent, I have three simple quick questions I need answered at your earliest convenience. The straight forward simple questions are as follows:

1) Do you support passage of HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act now sitting stalled in the House Financial Services Committee? I’d like a simple straight forward “Yes” or “No” reply. Very similar legislation is already law in Hawaii and was passed but vetoed in California, so please do NOT reply with a “political response” such as, “I’ll have to wait and review the legislation when it comes up for a vote before I can provide an answer.” A reply like that I’ll take as a “No” and react and vote accordingly going forward.

2) In the event that you replied “Yes” to question #1 above, are you willing to sign on as a co-sponsor of this critical legislation? “Yes” or “No”

3) In the event that you answered “yes: to question #1 above, what have you done thus far to push this stalled legislation forward and what actions will you be taking near term to get this legislation out of committee and passed quickly?

If you answered “Yes” to questions #1 and #2 above then simply let me know your answers and your support is much appreciated! If you answered “No” to either of the questions, then understand that the historic vote last week in Massachusetts was not a Republican win, but instead was the voice of humans voicing their complete frustration with “Business As Usual” in Washington. The message sent was all about jobs, the economy and the American elite in Congress and on Wall Street taking care of each other only. The recent show of indignation for the cameras by Congress at the outrageous bonuses being paid out to Wall Street seem more like crocodile tears than real concern for voters.

If there was any real concern, Congress would have already passed HR3149 by now instead of working behind the scenes with the corporate elite to stall it. After all, it was Congress that enabled Wall Street’s greed in the first place and now you refuse to even lift a finger to help combat the damage. No matter what happens, it seems the American elite always take care of their own ranks and the people be “damned.” Speaking of people, also known as humans, take a look at the number of causalities caused by the greed of your friends on Wall Street:

* The economy has lost more than 7.2 million jobs since this recession began, 2 + million just since May
* For each rare job opening that does exist, an average of 6 humans vie for that one position with 15.3 million of them being unemployed
* 1.4 million bankruptcies were filed in 2009 and the number just keeps growing
* More than 20 million Americans received unemployment compensation in 2009 and BTW unemployment benefits don’t fix a damaged credit report

These numbers represent either damaged or completely ruined personal credit reports and guess what? The credit reports don’t belong to the millions of people - they largely belong to your friends on Wall Street whose greed destroyed the economy. First you lend them our tax dollars to save their necks, we get locked out of the workforce via poor credit reports because of their greed and they collect billions of dollars in bonuses. Do you think that is fair?

If you answered “No” to questions #1 or #2 above, then that simply says one thing. You believe it is fair for Americans to be tossed into a potential catch 22 scenario where bad credit = no job and no job = bad credit with no possible way out. It also tells me that you stand with your friends on Wall Street instead the 90% of your constituents who are suffering under this inhuman corporate guillotine of this workplace discrimination.

I respectfully thank you for your time and I anxiously await your answers to my three very simple straight forward questions. Since none of the three questions are complex in the least, a quick and speed reply is I believe a very reasonable request.

In the meantime, most especially if you answer “No” to my first question, please place your personal credit report on your website for my review or if you prefer, attach it to an e-mail or mail it to me. While I don’t believe it will give me even a slight clue about your qualifications to work for me in Congress - it’s only fair for me to have it while HR3149 sits stalled and I’m being subjected to such a humiliating invasion of my privacy just for the right to work in a nation where I am a citizen.

[End Sample Letter to Your Members of the House and Senate]

Friday, January 22, 2010

Activity Requests: Thursday (Proud Democrats and Republicans)

Wave YOUR Party Flag

While we on this end have definite opinions on both parties we’re NOT going to express them to our members. That we believe would compromise our non-partisan role as a mere facilitator to deliver your diverse voices speaking at once for more volume. Therefore, while we will communicate with both parties via the links below on our own, we cannot provide you with any sample letters. What we can provide you with are the facts and the damages and simply allow you to interpret them within the context of your party in order to write your letters.

First the Damages
* The economy has lost more than 7.2 million jobs since this recession began, 2 + million just since May
* For each rare job opening that does exist, an average of 6 humans vie for that one position with 15.3 million humans being unemployed
* 1.4 million bankruptcies were filed in 2009 and the number just keeps growing
* More than 20 million Americans received unemployment compensation in 2009 and BTW unemployment benefits don’t fix a damaged credit report
* Between 3 and 3.5 million more homes will enter foreclosure this year

The Facts
* There is no doubt whatsoever that the legislation is being stalled by some force or combination of forces and we can only deduct from the money trail that it is the corporate and big three credit bureau PACs and lobbyists. See following link for registered HR3149 lobbyists

* The smoke screen that the legislation is being held up by the health care debate is a total and complete ruse upon “the people” and an insult to our intelligence and that is beyond any debate. It’s a Washington game and so far we’re loosing!

* We know that Representative Barney Frank, a Democrat, who chairs the House Financial Services Committee where the legislation is stalled took $25 K in PAC money from the big three credit bureaus (who make millions off selling your credit report) during his last election cycle. He was the largest recipient of money from the big three. In total PAC money he took $314 K, see following for the complete list of his corporate contributors

* We also know that two of the big three via PACs spread a lot of other money around in Congress, see links below (start looking for your representatives for future reference):



* We also know that millions and millions of other corporate PAC money is contributed throughout Congress. How much? You don’t want to know ;-) If you really want us to look for it we’ll find it and send it to you . . . just shoot us a note. We’ll try to cover our eyes.

* We know the Republicans held the reins of power at the beginning of the economic melt down and that the Democrats were swept into power with a promise of “change we can believe in.”

* We know that both parties were deeply involved in the almost $1 trillion bailout of Wall Street that resulted in them being rewarded for their greed with billions in bonuses while “the people” have been rewarded with a ruined economy and personal credit reports

* There is currently a multi-billion dollar so called “jobs bill” currently being debated in the Senate. There is no mention whatsoever of HR3149 within the discussion. If HR3149 is not about jobs, then what the ________ is?

* The almost $1 trillion dollar stimulus package passed in January is by most assessments not creating the number of jobs projected and some, but not us, are calling it a “dismal failure.” The point is not to debate its success or failure, but instead to point out that HR3149 doesn’t cost the U.S. taxpayer one single penny nor does it add one single penny to the ballooning Federal deficit. Makes you wonder how and why HR3149 has been stalled since July but the stimulus package that cost a trillion passed almost overnight. If nothing else that fact should clearly confirm for you that the bill is being purposely stalled.

The Rest is Up to YOU
Those are the basic damages and facts and now it’s up to you to interpret their meaning within the context of YOUR party and deliver whatever letter and message you feel is appropriate. (How’s that for not stepping on any party toes a.k.a. non-partisan ;-)

HR3149 is of the people, for the people and a populist agenda all the way! We will tolerate no party aisles, nor hiding behind any “simply voting with my party” games. Any member of Congress that dares to stand against this legislation, we’re going after them with their home constituents in their home media outlets with everything we can muster. I suggest you add that caveat to your letter. They either stand with us, or they stand with the bonus babies on Wall Street they bailed out with our tax money. Ask them how they think that will play to “the home town folks” across their district? ;-)

The corporate PACs and their paid minions (a.k.a. lobbyists) are playing hardball and we’re going to crush them under the boot of “the people” for a change. It’s called democracy by the people instead of the American elite! It’s a new concept we’re introducing to Washington.

WRONG is WRONG and it’s sure no “party” for those Americans being impacted, so make your voice heard loudly within your party via one or both links below and beyond.

Proud Democrats

Tim Kane, Chairman FB Page

Proud Republicans

Michael Steele, Chairman, FB Page

Please Keep Us Posted on What You Learn
In closing, members of both parties, please provide us with the best and most efficient ways to connect with your parties going forward as well as information on what they are up to in regard to passage of HR3149. The more we learn together, the better we’ll get at what we’re trying to accomplish and we simply can’t do it all without your help. So thanks in advance for all the vital information you’re going to collect and send back.

Activity Requests: Wednesday

A Letter to Speaker of the House and Minority Leader and the Senate Majority and Minority Leader

[Note: As always any sample messages, letters, etc. that we provide are just that, “samples.” The samples are just what we’re sending out from this end and you are strongly encouraged to use your own judgment, voice and perspectives. Our prose, tone and approach can always be improved upon and quite frankly a good mix of perspectives is better than following our samples verbatim. We’re not the most reverent and that may or may not be good (we’re just expressing one opinion among almost a 1000 different member opinions). We don’t do messaging for the group (nor do we aspire to) or ever speak for the group, but instead merely facilitate our members’ ability to speak at once for more power and volume. If you’re a “professional communicator” or would like to help with recruiting, research, administration, etc. shoot us a note and we’ll be happy to get you involved. There is no lack of work to be done.]

1) Speaker of the House, link below, add name, e-mail address, zip, copy sample letter below and paste into form, edit to suit you and send.

2) House Minority Leader, link below, add name, e-mail address and send, or use the e-mail address provided.

3) Senate Majority Leader, link below, add name add personal info., etc. copy and paste sample letter below into form, edit to suit you and send.

4) Senate Minority Leader, link below, add name add personal info., etc. copy and paste sample letter below into form, edit to suit you and send.

[Sample Letter]

The clear message sent last week in Massachusetts was that old cliché “it’s the economy and jobs!” In a post election poll of Brown voters, conducted by The Washington Post, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University's School of Public Health, "the way Washington is working" ran a close second to the economy and jobs as a factor in their vote. While you’ve allowed the health care debate to completely suck the air out of the room for anything else, millions of highly qualified American workers are being locked out of the workplace by discrimination based upon their personal credit reports. Please read the following numbers and do the math:

* The economy has lost more than 7.2 million jobs since this recession began, 2 + million just since May
* For each rare job opening that does exist, an average of 6 humans vie for that one position with 15.3 million of them being unemployed
* 1.4 million bankruptcies were filed in 2009 and the number just keeps growing
* More than 20 million Americans received unemployment compensation in 2009 (and BTW unemployment benefits don’t fix a damaged credit report)
* Between 3 and 3.5 million more homes will enter foreclosure this year

The numbers above represent humans with damaged or destroyed personal credit reports, but it’s “business as usual in Washington.” Namely the American elite and their friends in Congress taking care of each other (enabling $150 billion in bonuses to be paid in just the top six banks alone) while the people are locked out of the workforce via poor credit reports. The rich become even more greedy and richer and the people pay for their sins. That’s not “change” and it’s surly not change anyone can believe in.

It wasn’t our unhinged greed that created this horrible economy, but we’re the ones that are paying for it nonetheless. It wasn’t us that both enabled and encouraged billions in risky loans, it was Congress. Then when it all came crashing down you expect us to buy into the crocodile tears and “show of anger” for the cameras? As Shakespeare would have put it, Congress “doth protest too much, methinks.”

If you truly cared and were feeling regret for enriching your fellow millionaires at the expense of the people, you would have passed HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act. Instead, you’ve taken the corporate PAC money and dined with their lobbyists in exchange for squashing passage of the legislation. “We the people” may not be as smart as your greedy friends on Wall Street who caused this horrible recession, but even we know a “fix is in” when we see it!

Guess what, those credit reports are by-and-large Wall Street’s credit reports, not the peoples! They borrowed from us (remember), the American taxpayer, so collectively their credit report says “HORRIBLE,” but they get billions of dollars in bonuses as reward for greed and we the people get locked out of the workforce. Since it’s obviously no big deal to Congress and you work for us, the taxpayer, we’re asking that until HR3149 is passed that all members of Congress place their personal credit reports on their website for our review. It’s only fair if we must submit to such and indignity, then Congress must submit. After all, we’re all Americans in this together, right?

Then, since 1/3 of Americans who are lucky enough to still have a job are forced to work more than one because they’re underemployed, please try what’s commonly referred to a “multi-tasking.” Get HR3149 passed NOW! We’re no longer buying the HC stall tactics or “the fix” between Congress and the corporations who think they own “the people.”

Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing those personal credit reports posted quickly on those websites. “The people” will be watching and voting in November.

[End Sample Letter]

We Have a Crack in the Media Wall . . .

Let's Seize the Moment and Pounce on It!

Use links below, mark one to Attention Mara Liasson then add another to “general comment” to the first e-mail address below, then send one to each of the following. Thanks!

[Sample Letter to FOX]

Your affiliate FOX station WBFF in Baltimore gets it and so do more than 90 percent of your viewers. Your affiliate is covering workplace discrimination based upon personal credit reports at the state level in Maryland, but YOU at the network still don’t get it?

At the federal level, HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act that would ban the practice of workplace discrimination based upon personal credit reports sits stalled in the House due to the corporate lobby fighting against the overwhelming will of the people. You too by not giving the issue any coverage whatsoever are fighting against the overwhelming will of your viewers. There are other news channels . . .

Is the entire FOX network in the pockets of Wall Street that caused this recession and your corporate handlers? Please report the truth and speak for 90% of your viewers that want this legislation passed NOW!

[End Sample Letter to FOX]

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Activity Request(s): Thursday

Contact YOUR Representative(s) on the Fianancial Services Committee

See if YOUR Representative is on the Financial Services Committee, search by State and District (via the link below) and if you find them, shoot them an e-mail and then telephone every number available.

Use the link below to search and see if YOUR State Rep. is on this committee.

You’ll need to have your full 9 digit zip code handy. Use the following link to look it up if you don’t already know it.

If you find them, express the following by phone and write them:

[Sample Letter to YOUR Representative on the House Financial Services Committee]

Before I begin, let’s see if I have the story straight . . . we the American taxpayer bail out your fellow millionaires on Wall Street who’s GREED destroyed both the economy our credit reports. They in turn, in just the top 6 banks alone, are rewarded for their unhinged GREED with $150+ billion in bonuses. Then we the taxpayer who lent them the money to save their jobs – get locked out of the workplace because of our poor credit reports (destroyed by the bad economy they created). Then as if this obvious class injustice were not enough to leave us feeling raw, chaffed and tender – YOU the Financial Services Committee bring in the Wall Street guys for a sham investigation on bonuses. All the while HR3149 sits stalled in your committee.

I know the corporate heads, their lobbyists, Wall Street and the bankers are your good friends and fellow millionaires and I’m just your mere constituent – but even so, this exchange just doesn’t seem quite fair and equitable. I also know you’ve been really busy, working on health care reform 24/7 (because your staff gives me the same old line every time I call or write). So I’ve condensed the news you’ve been missing into numbers and bullet points for a quick read. Just trying to help . . .

* The economy has lost more than 7.2 million jobs since this recession began, 2 + million just since May
* For each rare job opening that does exist, an average of 6 humans vie for that one position with 15.3 million humans being unemployed
* 1.4 million bankruptcies were filed in 2009 and the number just keeps growing
* More than 20 million Americans received unemployment compensation in 2009 and BTW unemployment benefits don’t fix a damaged credit report
* Between 3 and 3.5 million more homes will enter foreclosure this year

Even though in Washington these look like just numbers - they’re NOT! These are human beings in your district! Proud Americans that just want to work, aren’t looking for a bailout, charity or another stiimulus plan. We just simply want the right to work, that’s it! Even most HR professionals now freely admit (off the record of course) that discrimination via credit reports is just their convenient hatchet tool to quickly slice down their huge applicant pool and work load. It gets them out of the office at 5 sharp!

Why is it then that Congress and in particular your House Financial Services Committee just continues to stall HR3149 – as millions of American heads continue to fall from the corporate guillotines. A personal credit report was never intended as a convenient workplace hatchet blade. What’s more, a personal credit report has never been the least bit indicative of employment performance, worthiness or human character. Nevertheless to use it NOW, at a dramatically increasing rate, is just cruel, unjust and absolutely reprehensible! Are we proud Americans expected to “eat cake” while your fellow millionaires on Wall Street collect billions in bonus money?

Upwards of 90% of the American people (your constituents like me) agree that at a time like this, most especially, that someone’s personal credit report has zero bearing on their employment qualifications. Yet you continue to try and keep the legislation stalled in committee so your fellow millionaires can keep their boot on the throat of the American workforce. Such clear and undeniable class discrimination will NOT go unpunished. November will be here soon.

[End Sample Letter]

Activity Request(s): Wednesday

Contact the House Financial Services Committee (where the bill has been stuck in committee since July):

(202) 225–4247 (Put this number on speed dial and call it repeatedly Wednesday and Thursday!) Use your real name (or if you wish dream one up every time you call) . . . BTW this is NOT a democratic exercise, “vote” loudly, “vote” often (express your opinion) as many times as possible! (Lobbyists and PACs do NOT have limited access and neither are we!)

Use this e-Mail Link below to FLOOD them with e-mails (repeat as often as possible Wednesday and Thursday of this week):

[Sample Letter to House Financial Services Committee]

Before I begin, let’s see if I have the story straight . . . we the American taxpayer bail out your fellow millionaires on Wall Street who’s GREED destroyed both the economy our credit reports. They in turn, in just the top 6 banks alone, are rewarded for their unhinged GREED with $150+ billion in bonuses. Then we the taxpayer who lent them the money to save their jobs – get locked out of the workplace because of our poor credit reports (destroyed by the bad economy they created). Then as if this obvious class injustice were not enough to leave us feeling raw, chaffed and tender – YOU the Financial Services Committee bring in the Wall Street guys for a sham investigation on bonuses. All the while HR3149 sits stalled in your committee.

I know the corporate heads, their lobbyists, Wall Street and the bankers are your good friends and fellow millionaires and I’m just your mere constituent – but even so, this exchange just doesn’t seem quite fair and equitable. I also know you’ve been really busy, working on health care reform 24/7 (because your staff gives me the same old line every time I call or write). So I’ve condensed the news you’ve been missing into numbers and bullet points for a quick read. Just trying to help . . .

* The economy has lost more than 7.2 million jobs since this recession began, 2 + million just since May
* For each rare job opening that does exist, an average of 6 humans vie for that one position with 15.3 million humans being unemployed
* 1.4 million bankruptcies were filed in 2009 and the number just keeps growing
* More than 20 million Americans received unemployment compensation in 2009 and BTW unemployment benefits don’t fix a damaged credit report
* Between 3 and 3.5 million more homes will enter foreclosure this year

Even though in Washington these look like just numbers - they’re NOT! These are human beings! Proud Americans that just want to work, aren’t looking for a bailout, charity or another stiimulus plan. We just simply want the right to work, that’s it! Even most HR professionals now freely admit (off the record of course) that discrimination via credit reports is just their convenient hatchet tool to quickly slice down their huge applicant pool and work load. It gets them out of the office at 5 sharp!

Why is it then that Congress and in particular your House Financial Services Committee just continues to stall HR3149 – as millions of American heads continue to fall from the corporate guillotines. A personal credit report was never intended as a convenient workplace hatchet blade. What’s more, a personal credit report has never been the least bit indicative of employment performance, worthiness or human character. Nevertheless to use it NOW, at a dramatically increasing rate, is just cruel, unjust and absolutely reprehensible! Are we proud Americans expected to “eat cake” while your fellow millionaires on Wall Street collect billions in bonus money?

Upwards of 90% of the American people (your constituents like me) agree that at a time like this, most especially, that someone’s personal credit report has zero bearing on their employment qualifications. Yet you continue to try and keep the legislation stalled in committee so your fellow millionaires can keep their boot on the throat of the American workforce. Such clear and undeniable class discrimination will NOT go unpunished. November will be here soon.

[End Sample Letter]

Activity Request(s): Tuesday

All Members [Except those residing in Barney Frank's district] use the following . . . (202) 225-5931 (For Frank's district see below)

They will ask you of course if you are a Barney Frank constituent (a.k.a. live in his district), if you are, of course answer “yes” and if you are NOT (and are NOT timid) say that you can’t get through on the number given for the Financial Services Committee, but are demanding that YOUR voice be heard nonetheless. [WE MUST GET BARNEY’S ATTENTION ANY WAY POSSIBLE!] Put this number on speed dial and call it repeatedly Tuesday through Thursday this week!

Specific Messages for Barney:

* Since he took a total of $25 K from TransUnion, Equifax and Experian (the big 3 credit bureaus making millions off selling YOUR personal credit report to employers) in political contributions during his last campaign, we question his loyalty to “we the people” who are suffering by the millions in America due to the discrimination and invasion of privacy by employers who are forcing people to turn over their personal credit report just to be able to work.

* We now have boots on the ground in his district and are actively and passionately mobilizing to let his constituents know about the campaign contributions he accepted from the big three credit bureaus and more importantly to let them know they have been completely forgotten when it comes to passage of H.R.3149: The Equal Employment for All Act.

NOTE TO ALL MEMBERS IN BARNEY’S DISTRICT: We need your help to mobilize voters and voices in his district. If you reside in his district, please shoot us a quick note [use “I Live in Barney’s District” in subject line] to let us know and we’ll be in touch. Thanks!

For Barney Frank Constituents (ONLY) use following e-mail link:

You’ll need to have your full 9 digit zip code handy. Use the following link to look it up if you don’t already know it.

[Sample Barney Letter]

Dear Representative Frank:

Please read the Numbers and connect the dots, the numbers don’t lie . . .

Before I begin, let’s see if I have the story straight . . . we the American taxpayer bail out your fellow millionaires on Wall Street who’s GREED destroyed both the economy our credit reports. They in turn, in just the top 6 banks alone, are rewarded for their unhinged GREED with $150+ billion in bonuses. Then we the taxpayer who lent them the money to save their jobs – get locked out of the workplace because of our poor credit reports (destroyed the bad economy they created). Then as if this obvious class injustice were not enough to leave us feeling raw, chaffed and tender – YOU Mr. Frank took total of $25 K in PAC money from the big three credit bureaus, TransUnion, Equifax and Experian. Could that be why you continue to stall the passage of HR3149?

I also know the corporate heads, their lobbyists, Wall Street and the bankers are your good friends and fellow millionaires and I’m just your mere constituent – but even so, this exchange just doesn’t seem quite fair and equitable. I also know you’ve been really busy, working on health care reform 24/7 (because your staff gives me the same old line every time I call or write). So I’ve condensed the news you’ve been missing into numbers and bullet points for a quick read. Just trying to help . . .

* The economy has lost more than 7.2 million jobs since this recession began, 2 + million just since May
* For each rare job opening that does exist, an average of 6 humans vie for that one position with 15.3 million of them being unemployed
* 1.4 million bankruptcies were filed in 2009 and the number just keeps growing
* More than 20 million Americans received unemployment compensation in 2009 and BTW unemployment benefits don’t fix a damaged credit report
* Between 3 and 3.5 million more homes will enter foreclosure this year

Even though in Washington these look like just numbers - they’re NOT! These are human beings! Proud Americans that just want to work, aren’t looking for a bailout, charity or another stiimulus plan. We just simply want the right to work, that’s it! Even most HR professionals now freely admit (off the record of course) that discrimination via credit reports is just their convenient hatchet tool to quickly slice down their huge applicant pool and work load. It gets them out of the office at 5 sharp!

Why is it then that Congress and in particular your House Financial Services Committee just continues to stall HR3149 – as millions of American heads continue to fall from the corporate guillotines. A personal credit report was never intended as a convenient workplace hatchet blade. What’s more, a personal credit report has never been the least bit indicative of employment performance, worthiness or human character. Nevertheless to use it NOW, at a dramatically increasing rate, is just cruel, unjust and absolutely reprehensible! Are we proud Americans expected to “eat cake” while your fellow millionaires on Wall Street collect billions in bonus money?

Upwards of 90% of the American people (your constituents like me) agree that at a time like this, most especially, that someone’s personal credit report has zero bearing on their employment qualifications. Yet you continue to try and keep the legislation stalled in committee so your fellow millionaires can keep their boot on the throat of the American workforce. Such clear and undeniable class discrimination will NOT go unpunished. November will be here soon!

[End Sample Barney Letter]

A Note: Passion, Perseverance and Burn-Out

If you’ve been a member for awhile, these Activity Requests are already getting old. If you just joined . . . they will get old. You have a job, a life and a family and even though it only takes approximately 20 minutes per day, it’s 20 minutes you could use for something else. If that’s your thought, then congratulations, the enemy has you almost defeated before the war has even begun.

Did you know that during an entire lifetime the overwhelming majority of the U.S. population never once makes contact with a member of congress or the media? The majority that do bother to voice their opinions do so only once or twice and then give-up. Then they sit frustrated wondering why nothing happens?

Passage of HR3149 is a war not a single battle, but it’s a war worth fighting. Right now, it’s all up hill but will change in time because almost 90 percent of “the people” support passage. THEY JUST DON’T KNOW ABOUT IT, DID YOU? In some cases this workplace discrimination is affecting you directly and in others you just simply know workplace discrimination based upon a personal credit report is WRONG! Whatever you’re perspective, perseverance alone outweighs every other weapon we have at our disposal. Just keep tossing your few pebbles into the pond on a regular basis until we get a wave going . . . it will happen!

At the moment, you’re owned! From your personal credit report, with just a little bit of intelligence, your employer or potential employer knows virtually everything about you including all previous addresses, marital strife, what you purchase, everywhere you’ve worked, legal troubles and of course your debt load and late payments. You have zero privacy and a personal credit report is just the tip of the iceberg. None of it is any of their business whatsoever!!! It's YOUR personal credit report NOT THEIRS! If you are qualified for the job, you show up for work giving it your best shot every day and receive good evaluations . . . that's all that matters - but today, that’s not the case. In this economy, most especially, employers believe they have the right to own you and quite frankly until HR3149 is passed . . . they simply do!

Sure every day counts but if you miss a day or even a week of activity requests just pick it up again tomorrow or next week, but whatever you do, don’t ever give up the fight until we win! We just want to keep as many rocks in the air as possible until they start to topple the wall we’re up against. This is NOT easy, nor will the battle be won overnight, but it will be won if you persevere over time. Don’t ever simply give in and allow yourself to be owned because that is exactly what they want and expect you to do.

Activity Requests: Monday

Media Outreach

[As always, we provide only what we are sending as an idea, but do NOT try and dictate what you have to say or what you send. What we provide is simply one opinion only and we're sure that many if not most of you can do better on your own.]

MSNBC: Please show this gentleman some special attention. He’s already shown interest in publicizing HR3149, but has yet to follow through. State that you’re pleased that he’s promised to give this critical legislation its due exposure. Advise that you’re a regular reader and ask him when the coverage will run. Let us know what of any information you receive in return.

Washington Post:

[Sample WP Letter, translate into your own words and limit to 200 words max]

Dear Sir/Madam:

As a regular reader, it’s clear that you cover the big political picture such as the outrageous bonuses of $150 billion being paid out on Wall Street. You also do a great job of covering the dismal numbers resulting directly from Wall Street’s greed, such as 7.2 million lost jobs and 15.3 million Americans currently unemployed.

Why is it then that you’ve yet to give any attention whatsoever to the continuing assault on the American workforce in the form of workplace discrimination based on personal credit reports? Why would the Washington Post of all newspapers condone such workplace discrimination by giving the critical issue no ink?

HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act that that would alleviate this egregious form of discrimination has sat stalled in the Financial Services Committee since July. It’s obviously being stalled by corporate PACs and lobbyists, but journalists by oath are supposed to be above being muzzled. Why can’t we depend on the Washington Post to report the truth and real impact of the dismal numbers you report?

I simply ask that you investigate why it’s being stalled by Congress and why virtually no media of any kind has yet to even report that the legislation even exists.

NY Times:

LA Times


Dear Sir/Madam: [see e-mail addresses to change for LA]

As a regular reader, it’s clear that you cover the big political picture such as the outrageous bonuses of $150 billion being paid out on Wall Street. You also do a great job of covering the dismal numbers resulting directly from Wall Street’s greed, such as 7.2 million lost jobs and 15.3 million Americans currently unemployed.

Why is it then that you’ve yet to give any attention whatsoever to the continuing assault on the American workforce – in the form of workplace discrimination based on personal credit reports? Why would the [NY Times or LA Times] of all newspapers condone such workplace discrimination by giving this critical issue no ink?

HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act that that would alleviate this egregious form of discrimination has sat stalled in the Financial Serices Committee since July. It’s obviously being stalled by corporate PACs and lobbyists, but journalists by oath are supposed to be above being muzzled. Why can’t we depend on the [NY Times or LA Times] to report the truth and real impact behind the dismal numbers you report?

What good is reporting on Wall Street’s greed and the resulting numbers of Americans suffering without reporting on at least a partial solution? By simply allowing qualified Americans to work and rightfully compete on a level playing field, you’re erasing millions of the unemployed from the current numbers and correcting a horrible injustice at the same time. Why not report on a partial solution to the problem instead of restating over and over how bad the economy is?

It’s just bizarre that almost 90 percent of the American population supports the legislation via polliing, but virtually no one even knows the legislation exists? Although I don’t want to, I’m forced to believe that collusion exists between at the top of the food chain within political circles and the media. Please show me that’s not true by shinning the light on this critical workplace issue and forcing Congress to stop stalling passage of HR3149.

[End Sample Letter]

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Class Warfare Continues to Stall Passage of HR3149

Let’s face it, the percentage in Congress whose net worth is not at least a million dollars is miniscule. We all like to think, and at times even pretend ‘hey they’re just like us.’ Sorry to break this to you, they’re just NOT. If at some point they were of modest means like the rest of us, their wealth soon balloons into the millions of dollars after they arrive in Washington. It’s just a fact. It’s also just a fact of human nature that groups with a strong affinity take care of each other first. That’s just the way it is . . .

Take the case of the trillion dollar bail out of Wall Street and the banks. Their crime of unbridled human greed nearly destroyed our entire U.S. economy. Instead of making them pay for their sins, Washington deployed a “to big to fail” smokescreen to protect their fellow millionaires – the American elite. (If our friends go under, with whom will we go yachting?) Even the media handlers at the top, millionaires as well, shoveled the “we must save the economy” manure down to their talking heads and we just lapped it up. At the time, we were just too horrified to think straight. If a talking head says it, it must be true!

In an undeniable cause and effect relationship, the unbridled human greed by Wall Street and the banks directly caused the following (so far): more than 7.2 million lost jobs, 15.3 million currently unemployed, 1.4 million bankruptcies filed last year, more than 20 million Americans virtually starving on unemployment (the rest with zero income) and a projected 3.5 million more homes going into foreclosure this year. For this absolutely outstanding job performance, in just the top 6 banks alone, they have been rewarded with $150+ billion in bonuses. Good job guys! Truly, the American elite in Washington took care of their friends extremely well. (Just imagine the beautiful tans your members of Congress will get as they go yachting next summer with their fellow millionaires from Wall Street.)

Excluding the $150+ billion noted above in blood money bonuses and the trillion dollars the American taxpayer was blackmailed by fear into lending, what do the numbers above really mean? Four words: horrible personal credit reports (by the millions). And what do those four words translate into, “no chance in hell” of ever getting a job or changing jobs for better pay (in order to ever fix a credit report). Why is that you ask? Two words: workplace discrimination! Virtually every employer in America not only continues to use a job candidate’s personal credit report against them, it’s even increasing at an alarming rate! Why would that be you ask? There are just too many resumes and job applicants to process (on average, 6 applicants for every one job that exists and for the really good jobs (a.k.a. “a real job”) thousands and thousands of resumes are submitted for every job) Pulling someone’s personal credit report is quick, easy and cheap for the company. And if all that were not enough of an incentive, it’s a cool way to cull the herd of starving Americans (a.k.a. job applicants). Off the record (of course), virtually every “HR professional” freely admits to culling the herd via personal credit reports, but in public (as they struggle not to smile), they of course cling tightly to corporate speak with “we’re protecting our workplace” from poor character.

So just for a moment, let’s just be absolutely silly and try to measure “character” and “workplace performance” based upon someone’s personal credit report. To perform this analysis let’s pull from the ranks of whom we all admire, the American CEO (a.k.a. the millionaire club with perfect credit scores). Although the news cycle is brisk and America has a short memory, see if these names and companies ring any bells for you: Bernard Madoff - Madoff Investment Securities, Kenneth Lay - Enron, Bernard Ebbers - WorldCom, Dennis Kozlowski – Tyco, Walter Forbes - Cendant Corporation and last but not least Mr. Wall Street himself Richard Fuld, Jr. - Lehman Brothers. These six “characters” represent the “who’s who” of the worst six employees ever employed by any company in modern history. It’s a safe bet that they were all hired by the board (no personal credit check required) and wouldn’t even speak to a lowly HR professional. Since there is no herd at the top, no indiscriminate culling is required. At the top within the American elite millionaire club, billions get stolen. At the bottom of the class structure, someone accidentally walks out with a pencil from time to time. The only difference, the employee that accidentally walks out with a pencil experiences just a little remorse and guilt. That’s called “character.” That surely can’t be said for the American elite. Just look at the $150+ B they just gorged themselves upon at our expense. So quite simply, when the American elite within corporations and Congress spew the word “character,” we now know that’s their code word for “class” as in “not one of us.”

This absolutely hideous class structure inequality could be fixed overnight with the passage of HR3149 now sitting stalled in the House of Representatives. Formally, it’s called The Equal Employment for All Act. Never heard of it you say. If you’re scratching your head asking, ‘how can that be?’ Here’s how: talking heads don’t speak when dared to by their millionaire corporate handlers and Congress dances only when they are told to dance by corporate PACs and lobbyists. The millionaire club is a tight knit group, they inter-marry, they go yachting together and first and foremost they take care of their own.

The American people on the other hand are too busy fighting for the occasional crumb dropped from the table of the American elite to come together and fight as one for passage of HR3149. So as our press is muzzled and our Congress is bribed - “we the people” lay motionless under the boot of the American elite. As we proudly wave our American flag and continue sending our children off to die in war (as the children of the American elite play golf at the country club) . . . we at home aren’t even allowed to work because Wall Street and the banks destroyed our economy along with our credit reports. The corporations (notice we didn’t call them “American corporations”) have been shipping our jobs off shore every since they bribed Congress to pass NAFTA . . . so if our jobs rated zero – we clearly know that our “right to privacy” isn’t real high on their list of priorities. So the American elite continue to take care of their own, while “we the people” pay for their greed and mistakes.

If you agree with upwards of 90 percent of your fellow Americans that, most especially during these difficult economic times, workplace discrimination based upon someone’s personal credit report is WRONG! If you believe that “all men were created equal” and blatant class discrimination by the American elite is WRONG! Then until HR3149 is passed . . . force your members of Congress to post their personal credit reports on their websites for your review. After all, they work for YOU! Then force our so called “free press” to answer to the people and their conscience (instead of their millionaire corporate handlers) by reporting the ugly truth of a second class society being pounded under the boot of the American elite.

Similar legislation is already law in Hawaii, passed but was vetoed by the governor of California and HR3149 has sat stalled on purpose in the House of Representatives since July. Enough of the stall tactics by the American elite - make YOUR voice heard NOW!