Sunday, February 28, 2010

Activity Request(s): Thursday

Simply use your media letter(s) that you created on Monday and roll . . .

Café Sentido Dealer


Activity Request: Wednesday

Simply use your media letter(s) that you created on Monday and roll . . .

Free Speech TV

Coast to Coast AM

Activity Requests: Tuesday

Simply use your media letter(s) that you created on Monday and roll . . .

The Mike Malloy Show

Democracy Now

Activity Requests: Monday

[Note: As always any sample messages, letters, etc. that we provide are just that, “samples.” The samples are just what we’re sending out from this end and you are strongly encouraged to use your own judgment, voice and perspectives. Our prose, tone and approach can always be improved upon and quite frankly a good mix of perspectives is better than blindly following our samples verbatim. We’re not the most reverent and that may or may not be good (we’re just expressing one opinion among well over a 1000 different member opinions). We don’t do messaging for the group (nor do we aspire to) or ever speak for the group, but instead merely facilitate our members’ ability to speak at once for more power and volume. If you’re a “professional communicator” or would like to help with recruiting, research, administration, etc. shoot us a note and we’ll be happy to get you involved. There is no lack of work to be done.]

Media Outreach

1) Create your own version of a short and a long media pitch to use for online and e-mail outlets. [See sample below] Some online forms limit the number of words or characters and we on this end find out those limitations, if any, the same time you do.

2) Remember to save whatever you write somewhere on your computer so you don’t have to recreate the wheel over and over.

3) Simply make media pitching a mindless simple for you repetitive exercise that you can do almost with your eyes closed. While what you say is important, at the end of the day it’s a numbers game. Whatever group can muster the numbers and relentless effort to compel the media to cover their story wins. It’s just that simple! If you burn out and give up - we lose . . . don’t let that happen! Just make this ongoing media pitching effort a paste in your message, fill in the blanks (or e-mail address) and send exercise that you do over and over and over. It’s more about willpower and perseverance than brainpower.

As a disclaimer: We on this end may or may not agree with a media outlet’s “orientation” and do NOT endorse any publication we pitch. We’re simply seeking media coverage anywhere we can get it and are receptive to your ideas, so please pass them along.


Media Outlets for Monday as follows:

The Bill Press Show

The Thom Hartman Show

[Sample Letter]

In survey after survey, including a recent MSNBC survey, more than 90 percent of Americans say that workplace discrimination based upon someone’s personal credit report is wrong and should be illegal. Yet Congress is being bribed by corporate campaign contributors and strong armed by lobbyists to kill the legislation that would make the practice illegal. That is NOT “democracy by the people and for the people.” How can Congress be allowed to thwart the overwhelming will of the people?

Here’s how, it’s simply because the American media has not yet performed its mission and mandate to support the people and their audience. Most Americans don’t even know HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act even exists. What’s more, they don’t know about the corruption and backroom deal making taking place to keep the legislation stalled in the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee. Isn’t it your job and role within a democracy to support the people, expose corruption and see to it that Congress answers to the will of the American people?

Follow the money and expose the truth:


Trans Union:


As a loyal member of more than 90 percent of your audience, I strongly believe that you have an obligation to report the truth about the corruption taking place and let the people know that HR3149 exists. If U.S. citizens can’t depend upon the so called FREE PRESS to protect the rights of the people during the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression . . . then we no longer live in a democracy. It’s horrible enough that members of Congress can be bribed to thwart the will of the people, but if our media can be muzzled as well - our chances to continue as a democratic nation are zero.

Please support our democracy, the overwhelming will of the people and the rights of highly qualified American workers to compete on a level playing field during this horrible economic disaster. Simply report that HR3149 exists and shine light on the fact that it is being stalled from passage by corporate money being funneled to members of congress. Is that too much to ask of our American free press from a fellow citizen and loyal member or your audience?

[End Sample Letter]

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Some Thoughts, Updates and Strategy Insights

With this week’s article on the MSNBC website being our group’s first big media win, we wanted to take a moment and congratulate the group. Although hard fought and long in coming, we overcame the challenging odds and obtained some major media exposure for HR3149. It was the fifth most read article on the site that day and it provided further validation via the survey that the overwhelming majority of “the people” want HR3149 passed NOW. From a strategy perspective, in case you’re wondering, we spend so much time on getting media exposure for HR3149 because it swells our group’s impact exponentially by thousands and thousands. We still have less than 2000 members in our group and the best way at the moment to have the greatest impact is getting media exposure to get the word out to the American people. Keep in mind that relatively speaking virtually no one in America knows the pending legislation exists. Once the American people find out that HR3149 exists, they will force it through Congress. That’s why is it so important that each of you use every means and opportunity possible to spread the word every chance you have.

In a Democracy with a Free Press and Overwhelming Numbers We Win . . . Right?

While that should be the case, we have two large obstacles standing in our way to passage of HR3149. The first and largest obstacle is that most members of Congress campaigned with money they received from fat cats and corporations. The fat cats and corporations don’t want HR3149 passed and are doing everything in their power to hold tightly to the leash of their members of Congress. Feel free to disagree with us, but most people we believe would call this existing impasse “bribery and corruption” of the political system that’s supposed to be “by the people and for the people.” No matter which of the big two political parties you may be in or your geographic or ethnic origin – you’re being sold out when it comes to passage of HR3149. Even those members of Congress co-sponsoring the legislation along with unions and civil rights groups are NOT hotly pushing for passage of the legislation. As a U.S. citizen and or a member of a labor union or civil rights group . . . this impasse should enrage you and absolutely make your blood boil.

The second obstacle we face is that the major media outlets are owned by corporations. As we noted above, corporations don’t want HR3149 passed and corporations that own the media are no different. Be you left, right or in the middle . . . do you really think that the so called “independent, fair and balanced, free press” is really FREE to report on HR3149? Some of the major outlets (such as MSNBC) will report on it, but most will resist it as long as possible. The talking heads (a.k.a. reporters) want a paycheck and in this economy only a few will adhere to “journalistic integrity.” That’s just the reality.

If you don’t believe that both the obstacles above exist . . . ask yourself the following: The legislation was introduced way back in July and the vast overwhelming majority of Americans are for passage of HR3149 once they hear about it. Yet most of the members of this group never heard one single peep about the legislation until you were contacted on Facebook. That’s not just a coincidence, nor is it one of those deep conspiracy theories you come across on the Internet. Instead, the fact that you never heard about HR3149 until you were contacted on Facebook is due to the corruption and bribery taking place in Congress and the muzzling of the corporate media by their handlers. Those are just the facts people . . . if you have a better explanation pass it along, we’re all ears?

First the Good News

While these obstacles are formidable, similar legislation has passed already in Hawaii as well as in Washington State and was passed but vetoed in California. It’s currently being debated in eight states and Oregon, Connecticut and Maryland have actual bills introduced. All these states had or have the same obstacles we face in getting this passed on a national level and they either have or are being overcome. It should also be noted that our small Facebook group is not fighting this battle alone. There is at least one labor union and a civil rights group actively advocating for passage. What’s more, labor unions and their members in general, as reflected by huge numbers in our group, are supportive as well. How active, passionate and “hell bent” they all are on getting HR3149 passed is a question we need you to uncover and answer. Good intentions are not worth much . . .

Now the Bad News

The fact that Congress is “on the take” and being “bribed” to stop passage of HR3149 and the “corporate media” is resistant to report on it makes this an uphill battle. If you’re for passage but are passive or have a weak stomach . . . then this is NOT the cause for you. This is not like one of those Facebook groups such as the one we saw last week where someone is trying to get more fans for a poodle with a foil hat than Glen Beck has. To succeed, this cause unfortunately requires your passion, effort and work on an almost weekly basis. That’s just the way it is . . . we didn’t write the rules, they were dictated to us by the cards we were dealt.

If we on this end didn’t think we could overcome the two main obstacles to passage and believe 100% that we can and will win . . . we would not have gotten you involved in the first place. Quite frankly, if this were not an election year we would NOT have taken on the challenge. The fact that this is an election year is to our advantage for passage in a big way . . . that’s about the only time that most members of Congress still listen to the people instead of the corporations, lobbyists and campaign contributors. So for the moment at least, the cards dealt are somewhat in our favor for passage of HR3149. It doesn’t take a political genius to see that we have a short time window of perhaps seven or so months to get this legislation passed. It’s a now or never opportunity for justice in the workplace that all Americans deserve.

So let’s get to work . . . we’ll be in touch and look forward to working with you on an almost weekly basis to make HR3149 a reality. We will win but only if we do the work required . . .

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mobilize the American people for HR3149

SUBJECT: Act NOW America to protect YOUR Right to Work!!!

MSNBC: "Bad credit sidelines some jobless workers"

HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act referenced in the above linked article has been stalled in the House of Representatives since July . . . simply because Congress is being “bribed” to squash it via lobbyist money from corporations and the big three credit bureaus. DON’T ALLOW YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS TO BE BOUGHT OFF AND BRIBED!

More than 8 million of your fellow Americans have lost their jobs, 17.5 million are currently under or unemployed and many are caught in a catch 22 where bad credit = no job opportunities. That is just WRONG!!!! since it’s primarily due to Wall Street’s greed and its impact on our economy. After using your tax dollars to bail out Wall Street, Congress is being bought off by lobbyists to continue allowing workplace discrimination based upon YOUR personal credit report.

Contact YOUR members of Congress NOW and force them to pass HR3149

1) Find Your 9 Digit Zip Code
Before you begin, you’ll need your full 9 digit zip code. Simply go to the link below and plug in your address and it will provide your full 9 digit zip.

2) Contact YOUR member(s) the House of Representatives

Simply click on the link above and follow the steps, select your state, enter your full 9 digit zip code, click “contact my representative,” answer the security question, plug in your personal information, paste in the sample message you will find below and hit “send message.”

3) Contact YOUR Senator(s)

Simply click on the link above, choose your state, choose your senator(s), go to their website(s) and navigate their website looking for “contact info.” then follow their steps, copy and paste in the sample message below and hit “send.”

[Sample Message - Copy and Paste]

As a regular voter and your loyal constituent, I request that you do your part to get HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act passed now. I’m aware of lobbyist;/PAC money being funneled to Washington by the big three credit bureaus and corporations trying to block passage of this critical legislation. I demand that you not be bribed or bought off by the corporate PACs and lobbyists.

You were elected to represent the people and the American voters, not the lobbyists. At least 90 percent of the American people believe that workplace discrimination based upon someone’s personal credit report is WRONG and I am one of those Americans. If the will of 90 percent of Americans is not being followed by passing HR3149, how can any American not believe Washington is corrupt and bought off by lobbyists and corporate PACs?

Business as usual in Washington,” where lobbyists and corporate money buy votes and block legislation, must come to an end. If there was any real concern for the American people, Congress would have already passed HR3149 by now instead of working behind the scenes with the corporate elite to stall it. After all, it was Congress that enabled Wall Street’s greed in the first place and now you refuse to even lift a finger to help combat the damage done. Americans just want a level playing field instead of workplace discrimination. The following numbers represent real Americans:

The economy has lost more than 8 million jobs since this recession began

For each rare job opening that does exist, an average of 6 humans vie for that one position with 17.5 million of them being unemployed

1.4 million bankruptcies were filed in 2009 and the number just keeps growing

More than 20 million Americans received unemployment compensation in 2009

These numbers represent either damaged or completely ruined personal credit reports and guess what? The credit reports don’t belong to the millions of people - they largely belong to your friends on Wall Street whose greed destroyed the economy. Do you believe it is fair for Americans to be tossed into a potential catch 22 scenario where bad credit = no job and no job = bad credit with no possible way out?

How can you condone such horrible workplace discrimination by sitting on and stalling passage of HR3149? Please answer to me, your constituent and the American people, instead of the corporate money being funneled to Washington to stall this legislation. I’ll be watching for your actions to support passage of this critical legislation and will be voting in November.

[End Sample Message]


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Activity Request(s): Thursday

Simply use your media letter(s) that you created on Monday and roll . . .

Washington Week w/Gwen Ifill

The Atlantic (see letters to the editor form at bottom of page)

Campaign for Americas Future (use feedback form at bottom of page)

The Rick Smith Show

Labor Beat

Solidarity Effect

Activity Request: Wednesday

Simply use your media letter(s) that you created on Monday and roll . . .

Orlando Sentinel

200-250-word range or shorter are preferred

Kansas City Star

The Union Edge Talk Radio

The Source

The Root

Activity Requests: Tuesday

Simply use your media letter(s) that you created on Monday and roll . . .

Richmond Times

NY Daily News


Reader Supported News (2500 characters max)

Activity Requests: Monday

[Note: As always any sample messages, letters, etc. that we provide are just that, “samples.” The samples are just what we’re sending out from this end and you are strongly encouraged to use your own judgment, voice and perspectives. Our prose, tone and approach can always be improved upon and quite frankly a good mix of perspectives is better than following our samples verbatim. We’re not the most reverent and that may or may not be good (we’re just expressing one opinion among well over a 1000 different member opinions). We don’t do messaging for the group (nor do we aspire to) or ever speak for the group, but instead merely facilitate our members’ ability to speak at once for more power and volume. If you’re a “professional communicator” or would like to help with recruiting, research, administration, etc. shoot us a note and we’ll be happy to get you involved. There is no lack of work to be done.]

Media Outreach

1) Create your own version of a short and a long media pitch to use for online and e-mail outlets. [See sample below] Some online forms limit the number of words or characters and we on this end find out those limitations, if any, the same time you do.

2) Remember to save whatever you write somewhere on your computer so you don’t have to recreate the wheel over and over.

3) Simply make media pitching a mindless simple for you repetitive exercise that you can do almost with your eyes closed. While what you say is important, at the end of the day it’s a numbers game. Whatever group can muster the numbers and relentless effort to compel the media to cover their story wins. It’s just that simple! If you burn out and give up - we lose . . . don’t let that happen! Just make this ongoing media pitching effort a paste in your message, fill in the blanks (or e-mail address) and send exercise that you do over and over and over. You should be able to do it while chatting on the phone, waiting for something to download, etc. It’s more about willpower and perseverance than brainpower . . . and every brain needs a break ;-)

As a disclaimer: We on this end may or may not agree with a media outlet’s “orientation” and do NOT endorse any publication we pitch. We’re simply seeking media coverage anywhere we can get it and are receptive to your ideas, so please pass them along.


Media Outlets for Monday as follows:

Denver Post

Real Clear Politics

Counter Punch


[Sample Media Pitch Communication – Long Version] When you need something shorter, simply cut it down and edit to fit . . .

As a loyal member of your audience, it’s clear that you cover the big political picture such as the outrageous bonuses of $150 billion being paid out on Wall Street. You also do a great job of reporting the dismal numbers resulting directly from Wall Street’s greed, such as 7.2 million lost jobs and 15.3 million Americans currently unemployed. Why is it then that you’ve given zero attention and coverage whatsoever to the human suffering behind those numbers via workplace discrimination based upon Americans’ personal credit reports? By your silence you’re condoning this horrible workplace discrimination of your fellow Americans.

HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act that would alleviate this egregious form of discrimination has sat stalled in the House Financial Services Committee since July. It’s obviously being stalled by corporate PACs and their lobbyists, but journalists by oath are supposed to be above being muzzled. Why then can’t we depend on you to follow the corporate money trail and report the truth behind the stalling tactics in Congress? The following links detail the political contributions from just two of the big three credit bureaus alone (not to mention the millions from corporations in general). Apparently in Washington money talks (or muzzles) . . . please help to expose the “corruption” of American democracy.


Trans Union:

What value do you deliver in reporting the horrible numbers without helping to alleviate the suffering by reporting on a solution? By simply allowing highly qualified Americans to work, instead of locking them out of the workforce via unfair discrimination, you’ll take millions off the current rolls of the unemployed overnight. That saves the taxpayers money, reduces the ever burgeoning Federal deficit and corrects an absolutely horrible WRONG!

With this common sense solution as a backdrop, why is HR3149 not part of the so called “jobs bill” now being debated in the Senate (that will cost billions more in tax dollars)? Why is it that when a jobs solution is absolutely FREE to the taxpayer it gets no coverage? Is it only a good “jobs idea” when Congress can use a bill to enrich more of their friends somehow at taxpayer expense?

It’s jobs and the economy that “the people” care about first and foremost. The anger at Wall Street is about their greed destroying the economy and the personal credit reports of millions of Americans - while they collect billions of dollars in bonuses. It’s WRONG! I’m confident that since 90 percent of your audience is just like me, they demand that you expose the money trail behind the stalling of HR3149. They also demand that you provide coverage of HR3149 so the people can decide on passage instead of lobbyists and corporate PACs. That’s called “democracy by the people.” Passage of HR3149 is paramount to our nation’s economic recovery and demands your attention. Please answer to the demands of your audience by helping to expose the money trail and those responsible for the stalling of HR3149. Your fellow Americans need YOUR help!

[End Sample Letter for Media Outlets listed above]

Remember to Work All Your Media Outlets Don’t forget to work your local media outlets in your geographic area such as newspapers, blogs, TV stations, etc. and remember to post comments on web boards and articles along with our FB group URL at (or simply type hr3149 into FB search) and our e-mail address Every effort you make counts to grow our voice via our group and to expose HR3149 to the American public. Once they know about HR319 “the people” will get it passed.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The 60 Second Survey

We’re ONLY seeking the true REALITY within our membership so DO NOT exaggerate anything or tell us what you think we want to hear. We cannot fix anything or make accurate projections going forward without your complete honesty. Just tell us the truth and we promise that no matter how you answer you will not get tossed from our membership ;-) We know for instance that X percent of members are just serial group joiners who simply hit delete when they receive one of our group messages. We’re not prying or spying on you, we just need to know what size engine and how much “horsepower” we actually have under our HR3149 membership hood at present so we can plan ahead. Every war effort takes planning and ours if no different . . .

Click here to take survey

Survey How To:

[Respond ONLY ONCE to the survey out of respect for the group and your fellow members. We operate on the “honor system” so PLEASE be honorable. Sorry to even have to mention this!]

Simply reply to this message and just give us the question # and your answer beside the number. When you finish it will look something like this:
1) Y
2) N
3) 50
4) 25
5) 8
6) N
7) Iowa
8) Bla, bla, bla . . .
9) Bla, bla bla . . .

Survey Questions

1) Our present method of rolling out our Activity Requests on Sunday evening for the entire week is working fine and is effective for YOU? “Y” or “N”

2) If you answered “No” to question No. 1 above, would you prefer that we issue them the evening before one day at a time? “Y” or “N” (there are no other alternatives and we can only go one way or the other – majority rules and only an absolutely overwhelming “Y” response to this question will bring about a change to our current method)

3) In general, is the amount of time used and expected for each day’s Activity Requests reasonable (it should be 30 minutes or so max)? “Y” or “N”

4) Thus far, what percentage of Activity Requests have you participated in? 100%, 75+%, 50+%, 25+% or None

5) Just give us a good accurate guess, do not inflate, approximately how many new members do you think you have brought in since joining? (a number) or simply give us a number representing 30% of how many you think you’ve invited.

6) Outside of inviting some or all of your existing FB friends, have you done any recruiting outside of that circle, “Y” or “N” (“Y” means that YOU HAVE used one or more of the suggested methods you received in your new member ROAR kit such as “recruiting at-large” or some other method)

7) What state do you live in?

Optional Questions:

8) While reaching our 1000 member milestone is great and we’re NOT the only group working on passage of HR3149, our power is in our numbers. We simply must find ways to grow much larger more quickly than what we’ve demonstrated to date. We want membership numbers large enough to shut anyone down that dares to stand in our way and 1000 is simply not large enough to achieve that goal. We know beyond any doubt that overwhelming support exists and at least 30 percent of everyone contacted via FB will join our group, but we’re simply not reaching them fast enough. If you have ideas on how to achieve that goal, please pass them along (we’re all ears):

9) General Comments, Questions and Suggestions:

Notes: Since we don’t speak for the group or attempt to do messaging for the group, but instead simply provide a conduit to speak at once for more volume - we won’t be doing surveying or polling our membership very often. This is probably one of the few chances you’ll have to give us feedback, so please use it. We’re hopefully on the verge of a numbers explosion and that will preclude interaction on an individual basis, because we just don’t have the “manpower” and staffing on this end to accommodate a lot of individual interaction. We’re focused outside of our tent and getting the job done as quickly as possible, through any “legal” means

Why We Need a Membership Survey

FB allows no measurement, no tracking, etc. and therefore we must take a survey (a one time picture) in order to measure what we’re doing correctly and incorrectly in communicating with you and to measure what force and power we’re actually delivering via our membership. In other words we’re trying to determine on average how many actual “boots we have on the ground” engaged in live combat (a.k.a. “The A Team”). We’re also trying project exponential growth of the group for every new member we bring in, etc. As hard as it is to fathom, some people actually believe that merely joining some group on FB will make something happen - without any further effort whatsoever (we just need to know many members we have that think like that). We’ll tabulate, project, extrapolate, etc. (even get a little scientific) in order to measure our present and future force as we grow. This one time survey will enable us on this end to deliver greater effectiveness and power for YOU and our entire group going forward. Thanks in advance for your assistance!